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最后更新:1970-01-01 08:00:00

Chapter01: This is where it started
Chapter02: A guest from afar
Chapter03: One night stand (H)
Chapter04: Day Dream (H)
Chapter05: Castle on the hill
Chapter06: Spring equinox
Chapter07: Beneath the Crown
Chapter08: Granting Desire (H)
Chapter09: The royal pledge (H)
Chapter10: The Royal Banque
Chapter11: Hestia
Chapter12: 洩慾 (H)
Chapter13: 强制 (H)
Chapter14: Dont kill me
Chapter15: we talk until two
Chapter16: Im hurting you because I love you. (微H, SM)
Chapter17: 反攻 (H)
Chapter18: 跳蛋 (H)
Chapter19: Cabin by the lake
Chapter20: The princesss concubine
Chapter21: Peppermint Butler
Chapter22: Ash
Chapter23: You pretty jerk
Chapter24: Midsummer
Chapter25: 浴缸thigh job (H)
Chapter26: 变形 (H)
Chapter27: 镜子 (H)
Chapter28: The Flame Kingdom
Chapter29: First encounter